
Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Arshia Tayyab Reports on Leaders in Business Forum 2007

Arshia Tayyab, president and CEO of CCI-Worldwide,a technology consulting firm, had the opportunity to meet with several world leaders in November, when she attended the 2007 Leaders in Dubai Business Forum. Notably, she attended talks by Dr. Robert S. Kaplan of Harvard Business School; Dr. Philip Kotler, S.C. Johnson & Son Distinguished Professor of International Marketing at the Northwestern University Kellogg School of Management in Chicago; Sir Richard Branson, founder of Virgin Group; and Steve Forbes, editor-in-chief of Forbes magazine; and Nikesh Arora, president of Google in Europe.

Dr. Robert S. Kaplan
Tayyab was impressed with Robert S. Kaplan, Baker Foundation Professor at Harvard Business School and co-creator, together with David Norton, of the Balanced Scorecard, the premier tool for strategy execution, aligning a company’s current actions to its strategic objectives. Robert develops ways to link cost and performance management systems to strategy implementation and operational excellence.

“I had a great chat with Kaplan and told him that I will see him at Harvard soon,” said Tayyab. “Kaplan said that the biggest issue we face is not that we don’t create the strategy, but that we fail in the execution. I realized that it is true: without execution and action, nothing can happen. That is one of the reasons I am back in school, trying to fix problems that I have identified.”

Dr. Philip Kotler
Tayyab attended a great lecture on marketing by Dr. Philip Kotler, S.C. Johnson & Son Distinguished Professor of International Marketing at the Northwestern University Kellogg School of Management in Chicago. The Management Centre of Europe has called him “the world’s foremost expert on the strategic practice of marketing.”

“It is amazing,” said Tayyab, “how you don’t completely understand what you learn as an MBA student until you have run your own company. That’s when your level of understanding really gels. Kotler talked about the different CEOs and how they relate to marketing: the 1P (promotion only), the 4P (product, price, promotion and place), the STP (segment, target, pricing) and the one where marketing is everything. He sat with me in the front row. We talked about my discussions this year with Carly Fiorina, former CEO and chairman of the board of Hewlett Packard; and Dipak C. Jain, dean of the Kellogg School of Management at Kellogg.”

Sir Richard Branson
Tayyab said that the next session, with Sir Richard Branson, was the most interesting. “The crowd responded to him with a lot of fervor,” she said. “He seemed a little uneasy but then we were told that he had injured his back in Las Vegas.”

Branson’s Virgin Group operates in many diverse sectors—air travel, mobile phones, financial services, retail, music, drinks, rail, luxury properties, and space travel. His airline, Virgin Atlantic Airways, is now the second largest British long haul international airline and the holder of many major awards, including Airline of the Year Award several times.

“The size of the crowd and media gathered around Branson indicates that he is very well liked. I loved his philosophy that life is short and we should live it to the max,” said Tayyab. “He emphasized that he loves all of the 300 companies he owns and loves what he does. The audience asked some really tough questions. He bashed US airlines that provide no service to the public. He said he started his company when an airline cancelled his flight because there were only 40 passengers. He hired a plane and put up a sign up offering a $39 per passenger fare, and that was the beginning of Virgin Airlines. It was the same story with his bank, after another bank cancelled his loan. He is now ready to buy that first bank. He said that a successful CEO takes risks while carefully making sure that the company doesn’t go under and that there is enough to survive.”

Tayyab engaged the speakers and attendees of the conference on the subject of various new technologies—such as Google Docs, and portable data centers—and ways these and replatforming can be implemented to help make poorer countries more competitive. Poorer countries have always been at a disadvantage in the competition for world trade because they find it difficult to make the high investments in infrastructure and education required. As the digital age continues to develop, new technologies are beginning to level the playing field.

Tayyab said that Nikesh Arora, president of Google, emphasized in another talk that it is the speed at which one reacts to the market that will impact future change.

“I also had the pleasure of listening to Steve Forbes as he talked about China. He told the Middle East that they need to look at the prices of gold and reevaluate their currencies, and said that the major countries in the Middle East should not listen to the IMF,” said Tayyab.

According to Tayyab, "Visionary leaders of governments, businesses and universities in the 21st century need to consider three major factors in its Enterprise Information Technology operations: Replatforming, Globalization, and Legacy Thinking."

Arshia Tayyab coauthored Real World Networking with Windows, published by the Coriolis. She has worked with Microsoft to publish a replatforming guide for SAP, PeopleSoft and Siebel, and is actively involved in leading the 64 bit platform web casts series hosted by HP and jointly worked on by CCI, HP, Intel and Microsoft.

This article was produced by Computer Consultants International, Inc. If you liked this article, check out our web site at
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